7.29.08 - Recently, Julie took on the role of Maria in the widely popular musical,
"West Side Story" at the West Virgina Public Theatre. The show opened July 8th, and closed July 13th.
Starting August, Julie will be in rehersals for the (hopefully Broadway bound) musical of Jane
Austen's "Emma", composed by Paul Gordon. The production will open September 8th at the The Cincinnati Playhouse and
then transfer to the Repertory Theatre of St. Louis on October 8th and run through November 2nd. She is playing Jane
Fairfax, and is understudying Emma.
11.14.07 - Julie will officially be leaving Phantom in the middle of November
(she thinks the 15th is her last day) She said in an e-mail:
"I will of course miss has been a wonderful SEVEN years of my life, but I'm excited
for new opportunities. Of course, as they say, "no one ever leaves Phantom" I'm not going to say this is "the end!"
She is also getting married in Decemeber! Send all your congratulations to Julie at her fan e-mail
address. In January, she is planning on taking some classes and see what else happens. We wish you all the best, Julie!
03.31.07 - For three months, Julie is to star as Julie
Jordan in "Carousel" at the at The Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia.
Her last day with Phantom will be on April 9th. She will return to Phantom around the 17th
of July, and stay with the company until at least the middle of November.
12.08.06 - Great news, Julie fans! Julie is back with the Broadway company of "The
Phantom of the Opera" as the Christine Daae alternate. Her first performance will be the matinee on December 9th. She's
pretty sure that she will be regularly performing on Monday and Thursday nights.
Stay tuned for new Phantom pictures with Howard!
8.10.06 - Julie and Michael Shawn Lewis just taped a segment for the Jerry Lewis
MDA telethon. They are both in full Phantom costume and will be singing "All
I Ask of You". The national show airs from 9:00pm EDT Sunday to 6:30pm Monday, Sept. 4th. Broadcast times vary; local listings
will show start times and stations.
Go here to find out what station it will be on:
7.13.06 - The week of 7/24, Julie
will be performing Christine on July 28th (a Friday) instead of Thursday. The week of 8/7, she will be performing Tuesday,
both shows on Wednesday, Friday, and both shows on Saturday. The week of 8/14, she will be performing Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday - which will be her last show.
6.23.06 - Julie will be returning
to the Broadway company of "The Phantom of the Opera" as the Christine alternate for
about 8 weeks over the summer. Her first performance will be next Thursday, June 29th, and she will also perform the Sat.
matinee that week (July 1st). After that, she is pretty sure her schedule will be Monday and Thursday nights, but that's always subject
to change.
She, for sure, won't be there after August 21st, as
that is the day she leaves for St. Louis to star as Esther in "Meet Me in St. Louis".
4.12.06 - On March 13th, Julie took
part in a reading of the new musical "Warsaw"; a musical taking place in the Jewish Warsaw ghetto during Nazi rule. The
reading was for industry people/producers to try to get further backing for the show to be produced.
Julie will be leaving for St. Louis in August to begin rehersing for the musical "Meet
Me in St. Louis", in which she will be starring as Esther. The production runs Sept. 8th to Oct. 8th at Stages St. Louis.
1.11.06 - January 9th, 2006 was the
date that The Phantom of the Opera became the longest running broadway musical in history, surpassing CATS' 7,485
performances...and Julie was there! She, along with other past Christine's took the stage and once again got
had the Majestic theatre's spotlight shown on them. Go here for a video of the event, and see if you can spot Julie amogst the Christines! (hint: she is wearing the dress she wore at
the POTO preview concert in Las Vegas)
Site Updates
06.14.08 - Julie is 29 today! Happy Birthday, Julie!
11.14.07 - Happy Anniversary JHO! 5 years and still running!
6.03.07 - Added two pictures to the new 'Carousel' gallery. Also added two reviews
of Julie in 'Carousel' in the "Reviews and Interviews" section.
3.31.07 - Added 4 new beautiful headshots of Julie, IN COLOR, in the Headshots gallery
2.20.07 - Added 4 new pictures to the Phantom gallery. Added 1 new picture
to the Miscellaneous gallery.
11.09.06 - Added 5 new pictures of Julie in "Meet Me in St. Louis". Also added 2
new reviews of her performance in the show.
10.08.06 - Added 4 reviews of Julie's performance in "Meet Me in St. Louis" on the
"Reviews and Interviews" page.
8.31.06 - Added 6 BEAUTIFUL hi-res pictures of Julie from
the "Meet Me in St. Louis" publicty photo shoot in the new gallery for "Meet Me in St. Louis" pictures.
8.12.06 - Added three new pictures; one of them is
in the "Phantom of the Opera" gallery and the other two are in the Fan gallery in the "For the Fans" section. Thanks
to Robbie and Immortal Angel for sending their pictures of them with Julie in!
6.28.06 - Added a new picture to the fan section. Thanks
to TheActr97J from!
6.27.06 - Added a new section in the "For the Fans" section...MEDIA!
You can now watch video clips of Julie; her duet with Michael Shawn Lewis on "Broadway on Broadway", and the cast interviews
about POTO and the 7,000 performance!
I've also added a beautiful new drawing of Julie done by Kearyn Vos.
1.11.06 - Added some pictures of Julie from
the POTO celebration. She's kinda hard to spot, but she is there!